flexMBR Pilot Unit
Project highlights
H2O Innovation has a flexMBR pilot available for rental during pilot studies. This unit includes a scaled bioreactor to test nutrient removal and provides the ability to simultaneously test up to two (2) different MBR membrane modules for a given wastewater. The end user and/or consultant can set independent fluxes, production setpoints, cleaning regimes and recipes on each module if desired. All parameters can also be set to the same value to analyse and compare the intrinsic performance of the membranes and modules installed. This is like having TWO PILOTS on a single skid!
For challenging wastewaters and large scale systems, piloting the proposed wastewater approaches reduces piloting cost while also improving the value and confidence in the data obtained on the different modules.
Membrane Bioreactor
Membrane Bioreactor process, used in wastewater applications, combines the use of advanced biological processes with state-of-the art membrane filters.
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