Power Generation

For power plants that require units for boiler make-up, blow-down treatment, or other process requirements, H2O Innovation has multiple references in the power industry as well as in other industries where steam generation is required.

With our extensive experience using coupled UF & RO as well as double-pass RO systems for high-purity boiler make-up requirements, we have the experience for your steam and power generation requirements. Our portfolio of solutions also includes a large installed base of multimedia filters, softeners, mixed beds or electrodeionization, all of these specifically designed for power companies’ industrial demand.


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Power Generation Projects

Related Technologies

Your unique problem requires a unique solution based on footprint, water quality, membrane replacement considerations, and operational constraints. The solution comes from a thoughtful assembly of individual unit process operations to achieve your end goals. Below are the most common technologies H2O Innovation relies on in the Power Generation market.

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