Technical Support

H2O Innovation offers remote technical support throughout the US and Canada for membrane water treatment systems. From laboratory analysis to troubleshooting, our team of experts are ready to help and happy to answer your questions.

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Remote technical support begins with data analysis. The more we know about your system, the better equipped we are to help. Our Intelogx™ software creates that ability to see and understand your system’s data.

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From understanding comes the ability to help troubleshoot process or operational issues, suggest and remotely implement programming changes, as well as decide whether further onsite services would be useful. 

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If more information is needed, we can provide analytical services for water or deposit analysis, membrane autopsy, or cleaning studies.

We can also provide replacement parts for virtually every component manufacturer in the water treatment industry including membranes, filters, mechanical and electrical spares, and treatment chemicals. For support with anything during normal business hours, call or email us with the information below.

Contact numbers: 1 418.688.0170 (Canada) or 1 763.566.8961 (USA)

Email: or


We know your plant never sleeps. Whether you need support at noon on a Tuesday, or midnight on a Saturday, our team is here to help. If you need emergency support outside of normal business hours, please contact us at the phone below. If we cannot answer immediately, we commit to have one of our team members return your call within two hours.


Emergency service number: 1 855.H2O.SRVC (1 855.426.7787) 

Red phone

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Discover how H2O Innovation can help you.